Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What it's like to be Baelin (Why I love being a costumer)

I've played "dress up" for years. For a few years, I did Old West re-enactments. Then I later moved on to my true love. Star Wars. I costumed as a Jedi for about a year, only actually attended one event as a member of the Rebel Legion. Leadership at the time sucked. Anyway...

For the last 3 years I have been a member of the Mandalorian Mercs Costuming Club. At the time I joined I was the 237th member. There are now over 600. While still small compared to the 501st Legion's (of which I'm also a member) thousands of active members , one has to bear in mind that the Legion is 15 years old while the Mercs just celebrated 5 years.

Over the last 3 years, I've achieved a lot with the MMCC. I've made numerous friends, some who have truly become family to me. I was the second Official Merc in the State of Texas (Spanner didn't beat me by much, and had a few months head start). I have been an officer of the Clan since the day we achieved that status. 
I'm the longest serving Alor'ad in the State of Texas. I've traveled to 3 other states and done close to 40 events. I've served as a member of the approval team. 
I've helped to strengthen relations with the Star Garrison, and other Clans. I've helped make Clan Murraan a positive example of what this club can be. I've caused codex changes. I've got Mandalore on speed dial. I like to think I've built a pretty solid reputation.

May sound like I'm tooting my horn, and to an extent I am. This is after all 'what it's like to be Baelin'.

But all of that takes a back seat to why I actually do this. Why I put up with the jokes, the sneers, and the crap.

I remember the first time a kid came up to me and gave me a hug. In armor. I remember when a little boy with autism came up to me and was mesmerized by the textures and feel of my helmet.  When a little girl handed me a pinwheel.

All my personal accomplishments mean exactly nothing until I see a child smile.

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