Saturday, January 19, 2013

Family is more than bloodlines.

A proverb from a fictional society, that rings so true with me. I've never believed the old saying that "you can't choose family".

Bullshit. While there are many things in life you can't chose, family IS something you chose. You can't chose to be born or what color your eyes are. You can't chose   what color the sky is, or if it's going to rain. 

You can chose who you call your brothers and sisters. You can chose to remove those that are no longer worthy of that honor. Growing up, I had a brother. We shared the same parents. After watching him ruin his life so many times, and yes trying to intervene, I had enough. As far as I am concerned, I will think of him as dead until it is so. And then I will think of him no more. 

Instead, I will focus and think on the people in life that have chosen to be my family. That have chosen by their actions to stand by me, and to allow me to stand by them. These men and women are people that I hold dear.

So to my brothers and sisters, my cousins (hey, just cause I consider you family doesn't mean we are that close), my aunts and uncles, my parents and my "other parents". 

Thank you for making the right choice. 

I love you all.

No I'm not naming names. If you have to ask if you are family, then you aren't paying attention.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys.... a lot :/ Hope everyone down there is doing well :)

    - Callista
