Tuesday, December 18, 2012


For every decision you make, there is an equal and opposite slap to the back of your head waiting

Do what is right because it is right. Not because you want glory.

Do not give advice you are not willing to follow yourself

Your body is a weapon. Your mind is the ammunition. If you are not alert, prepared, at your best, it is like having a blaster with no charge. It's worthless.
Take the opportunity to sleep when it comes, for it's your only chance to reload between the battle of Today and the Battle of Tomorrow

Be the father you wish to be. Teach your children strength and courage. But above all else, teach them to think for themselves

It only takes one "aw shit" to ruin a thousand "attaboys"

Some times, you are faced with a choice. Make history, or be history

Family is more than bloodlines.
Mandalorian Proverb.

Don't mistreat family. They are the ones that cover you while you reload. And you for damn sure cover them.

do not blame the entire group for one asshole. even with out the group, he's still an asshole.

Do not confuse silence for ignorance, calmness for acceptance, or kindness for weakness.

Those that don't learn from their mistakes are stupid. Don't be stupid.

The obligatory warning

Ok. So now I've got a blog.  woo hoo.

The obligatory warning.

 I am a sailor. I swear. Alot. I will use language that your grandmother might not find appropriate.  But this is MY place to bitch, opine, moan, and fucking complain as I see fit. If you don't like that I occasionally use some salty language, up at the top of your browser is an X button. Click it. Unless you use a mac, then I can't help you. You are on your own.  If you want to bitch, get your own blog.

Over the next few days, weeks, whenever the hell I feel like it, I'll post random updates on whatever it is that fickles my tancy, or I feel like venting about.
I will post thinks (not a typo), opinions or whatnot that I normally don't post to facebook. I think my opinion on some topics will surprise some. maybe not. Doesn't matter.

So welcome to my blog.