Friday, June 7, 2013

Goodbye, Princess.

Forgive me if I ramble. 

Yesterday, fandom across the world was met with the crushing news that Princess Leah Esquanazi had become one with the Force. This news hit me hard, as it did all of her loyal subjects. For the last year and a half, members of fandom around the world united under her banner. It didn't matter if you were a TK, a Merc, a Trekkie or a Jedi. You loved this little girl with all your heart because she showed strength that we can only dream of. So much of her short life was filled with discomfort, but she somehow gave those that loved her comfort. 

Because of her amazing strength, I nominated her for Honorary Membership as a Mandalorian Merc. If ANYONE showed "mando grit", it was the Princess. Making her plaque, I was filled with a sense of ...hope. I hoped that plaque would remind her parents that despite the miles between us all, they were not alone.

 Last November, I had the distinct honor of meeting her, Frani and Zev. Such amazing parents, filled with love for their beautiful little girl. I got to see her eyes sparkle when she looked at her mommy. How she'd calm down when daddy was near. 

I am so greatful for the short meeting I had, because I know I will carry that moment in my heart forever. 

Thank you Zev and Frani for sharing your daughter with the world. For sharing your pain, and your joy. 

Thank you Leah for sharing your light with us. Words can not express the debt of gratitude that we all owe you. 

I refuse to think of you "losing" the fight to Mitochondrial Disease. Instead, you took the fight to a new level and won. You won an eternity free from pain. Your struggle will help to find a cure for this disease and spare countless other children from having to fight the battle you waged. 

We love you too.